Avocado Dye
Despite the green color of the fruit, avocado actually results in a light pink dye bath!
Whole and broken acorns can be used to make this light brown dye bath. The acorns in this experiment was from a pin oak tree located in my very own backyard.
Pin Oak Acorn Dye
Natural Dyeing Index
FOOD based
Berry bundle dyeing
Use berries from your local grocery store to create a textile splattered with lovely purples and pinks!
(Bigelow) Black Tea Dye
Black tea is a great source for natural dyeing as black tea leafs contains tannins which can act as a mordant.
Blackberry dye
Using blackberries can create a beautiful purple color!
plant based
Acorn Dye
Backyard Bundle Dyeing
Used Japanese maple leaves, hydrangea petals, euonymus leaves, and rose of sharon leaves and buds from my own backyard! Experimented with iron liqour to transform the plant's colors.
Rosemary can produce a pretty yellow color.
Blackbean dye
Who would've thought black beans would lead to a blueish-grey color?
Blueberry dye
Blueberries despite the name will create a deep purple color.
Raspberry dye
Raspberries will produce a pretty fair pink color.